Sunday, June 9, 2013

Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Progress

Today I installed my air conditioner window unit. You know what that means... summer is coming. As it gets warmer I'm getting more and more fearful of training outdoors. I sweat enough as it is in a temperature controlled environment. My advice to those people who sweat too much when they run: read this, instead of this. I would much rather like to think I'm just losing cute little beads of plasma instead of having hyperhidrosis

But before I get ahead of myself, I really couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend. Let's erase Friday night - I mean, doesn't the sky eventually run out of water?! There really is nothing like a partly cloudy seventy degree day. I'm talking straight up fluffy cumulonimbus. None of that overcast stratus BS.

Or lying on your back in Prospect Park looking up at this with great company...

And running on a partly cloudy seventy degree day? Even better. I almost scared myself today when I chose to go on a run to get rid of Sunday Syndrome instead of staying in to soak in my "Sundays suck" sadness. Who am I?

On a random sidenote (because there really is no other way to sidenote here), I cracked an egg this morning and a chicken fetus came out... like way past the yolk phase. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

And never underestimate the power of Under Armour HeatGear activewear.



  1. THANK YOU for this post. I am sweating just thinking about running, and I'm glad you recognize it.

    I will never forget the night I overheard one girl ask another (at the Muhlenberg Life Fitness Center, for the record) "Ewwww, why is she so sweaty?"
    The question that kept running through my head was "What kind of human does NOT sweat at a gym? Flippin alien."

    After two decades of trying to wish and swear away sweat, I finally realized things would be WAY worse in that scenario. I'd be toxic? Anyway, I've come to accept my role as Heat Beast. Strangers, now you know the origin of my fantasy football team name.

  2. Heat Beast > Flippin Alien

    Much, MUCH greater :)
