Monday, May 20, 2013

Set Ups and Setbacks

When I started this blog I never really knew what it would become. I thought maybe it could turn into an outlet for some crazy dating stories (I have plenty), but then I realized I wasn't Andie Anderson from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and I wasn't going to find my Matthew McConaughey by writing embarrassing stories about poor guys who don't know how to socialize or are a little too feminine or aren't taller than 5'5". Which let me clarify is FINE if you don't lie about it, but I don't know how you are expecting to hide that little piece of information when I meet you in person... but that's besides the point. Hey, I know I'm no jackpot either.

I'm confused. I have no idea what I want and what I'm looking for. I'm torn everyday about what is fair and unfair in the horrifying world of dating. I make myself sick thinking about who I'm going to hurt and how I'm going to say no to people. I compare every single person to a man who didn't even think twice about me when I walked out the door. I feel broken more times than I feel strong, and I'm incredibly lonely even though you probably couldn't find someone who goes out of their way to constantly surround themselves by as many people as I do.

I also thought this blog could become a training guide for those that are less inclined to running. Then I downloaded a little app called RunKeeper off a tip from my team members. I followed the first three workouts to a science, and missed an important one this weekend because I was too busy galavanting on a pub crawl of Park Slope in the pouring rain to curse off the GoogaMooga gods. Now I've got a cold or "allergies" (does it really make a difference if you want your head to straight up pop off your body either way?), and I'm lying in my bed staring at this little man frozen in full runner's stride over the word MISSED and I'm feeling a little crummy. 

So I guess this is what they call a setback... know anyone you want to set me up with? 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Arch (and People) Support

It's happening. I'm becoming a runner... OK, let's be serious. A very brisk walker.

Earlier this week I made an essential purchase. New "running" shoes. Worthy of a blog post? Well, I got on a treadmill at a store in Brooklyn where they assessed my pronation, and twenty minutes later I was walking out with these bad boys.

Saucony ProGrid Guide 6's - a nice "soft shoe" with arch support, forefoot cushioning, mesh upper body and other features I definitely need, I think...

But as much as I'm mocking myself right now, the one thing I can tell I'm going to really like about this experience is that runners are a supportive community. From the sweet salesgirl who didn't roll her eyes at me when I told her I was running a half marathon but never heard of Brooks before to the Park Slope stranger who saw me carrying my Jack Rabbit bag down 7th Avenue and nodded at me like I was in some secret Midnight Society of runners.

And the next morning I registered for the Hershey Half Marathon in Hershey, PA. I also learned that the pace you put in while registering will determine what corral you are placed in at the starting line. Oops. See you other 14:00 milers at the Chocolate Factory!